Well I am going to try and attempt to keep my blog updated! I have been looking at someone's blog for the past few days and she has the cutest crafts she's made and how to make them and I thought hey, I'm pretty crafty myself... I could totally do that! I took this spring off of school so I need to do something to keep myself entertained! We will see what I can come up with, and if I keep this thing updated for more than 1 week :D

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Update on us!

Me and Jake are doing great. We built a beautiful home in Lehi and we love it there. We have great neighbors and a great ward. We teach the seven year olds in primary and they are the cutest kids every. We are going to put in our yard this week and Duke can finally have a place to go run around without being on a leash! Jake just started a new expansion of his business. He is doing garage flooring and cabinets! He has his own website now it is http://www.qualityprogarage.com/ He works so hard and does so well at what he does. He is so focused on work and family and that is why I love him so much. I am working at Cache Valley Electric and I love it here! Although it is a 35 minute drive it doesn't bother me. I work with great people and I have extra time to do things like work on my blog! We hope to keep it more updated!

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